Conference: August 6 - 10, 2001
Exhibition: August 8 - 9, 2001
Holiday Inn Convention Centre
Omaha, NE USA
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Internationally-renowned security technologist and author Bruce Schneier is both a Founder and the Chief Technical Officer of Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. He established the Company with Tom Rowley to address the critical need for strong, cost-effective, and resilient network security. Counterpane Internet Security, Inc. provides Managed Security Monitoring services to organizations world-wide. Outsourced security monitoring provides a level of security unattainable through conventional security products.

Schneier is responsible for maintaining the Company's technical lead in world-class information security technology and its practical and effective implementation. Schneier's security experience makes him uniquely qualified to shape the direction of the company's research endeavors, as well as to act as a spokesperson to the business community on e-commerce issues and solutions.

While president of Counterpane Systems, Schneier designed and analyzed hardware and software cryptographic systems, advised sophisticated clients on products and markets, and taught technical as well as business courses related to the field of cryptography. Concerns as diverse as Microsoft, Citibank, and the National Security Agency, have all relied upon Schneier's unique expertise. Schneier designed the popular Blowfish encryption algorithm. And Schneier's Twofish was a finalist for the new Federal Advanced Encryption Standard (AES).

Schneier is the author of six books, including Secrets & Lies: Digital Security in a Networked World. Published in October 2000, "Secrets & Lies" has already sold 70,000 copies. One of his earlier books, Applied Cryptography, now in its second edition, is the seminal work in its field and has sold over 130,000 copies worldwide. He currently writes the free email newsletter "Crypto-Gram," which has over 60,000 readers. He has presented papers at many international conferences, and he is a frequent writer, contributing editor, and lecturer on the topics of cryptography, computer security, and privacy. Schneier served on the board of directors of the International Association for Cryptologic Research, and is an Advisory Board member for the Electronic Privacy Information Center.

Schneier holds an MS degree in computer science from American University and a BS degree in physics from the University of Rochester.


Fred Cohen is best known as the inventor of computer viruses and virus defense techniques. But his work on information protection extends far beyond the computer virus realm. In the 1970s he designed network protocols for secure digital networks carrying voice, video, and data; and he helped develop and prototype the electronic cashwatch for implementing personal digital money systems. In the 1980s, he developed integrity mechanisms for secure operating systems, consulted for many major corporations, taught short courses in information protection to over 10,000 students worldwide, and in 1989, he won the prestigious International Information Technology Award for his work on integrity protection. In the first half of the 1990s, he developed protection testing and audit techniques and systems, secure Internet servers and systems, and defensive information warfare techniques and systems. All told, the protection techniques he pioneered are now used in more than three quarters of all the computers in the world.

Fred has authored over 120 invited, refereed, and other scientific and management research articles, writes a monthly column for Network Security magazine on managing network security, and has written several widely read books on information protection. His latest book, Protection and Security on the Information Superhighway, describes hundreds of vulnerabilities and incidents, uses case studies to examine how organizations protect themselves, and has been widely acclaimed.


One of the country's leading experts on information security, infrastructure protection and electronic privacy is often referred to as "the civilian architect of information warfare." He coined the term "Electronic Pearl Harbor" and was the Project Lead of the Manhattan Cyber Project Information Warfare and Electronic Civil Defense Team. Today, he balances his time between writing, lecturing, building corporate and national security awareness programs and consulting.


Special Agent Jim Christy was the Director of Computer Crime Investigations and Information Warfare, Headquarters, Air Force Office of Special Investigations (Bolling AFB, Washington, D.C.) for 11 years. Jim spent 20 months at FBI Headquarters as the DoD's Representative to the President's Infrastructure Protection Task Force (IPTF) which was responsible for protecting the nation's critical infrastructure from both physical and cyber threats. Prior to the IPTF, Jim was detailed to Senator Sam Nunn's staff on the Senate, Permanent Subcommittee on Investigations, to investigate the vulnerability and the threat to National Information Infrastructure from computer intrusions.

Jim Christy is well known as the original case agent in the "Hanover Hacker" case, which involved a group of German hackers electronically penetrating DoD computer systems all over the world and then selling the information to the Soviet KGB. This case has been detailed in the best seller, "The Cuckoo's Egg", by Dr. Cliff Stoll and in a docu-drama produced by the Public Broadcast System.

He is also known for helping to develop a technique that lead to the recovery of 85-95% of data from two floppy diskettes that had been cut into 23 pieces with pinking shears. The recovered data from the diskette proved critical as evidence during a 1991 murder case. The suspect, when confronted with the evidence, confessed, pled guilty, and was sentenced to life in prison. This case was profiled on the "New Detectives" series on the Discovery Channel.


Dr. Kimberly S. Young has been touted as "the world's foremost Cyberpsychologist" by the media and is considered the leading authority on e-behavior and Internet addiction. Dr. Young has served as an expert witness in state and federal courts regarding her pioneer research and she recently authored Caught in the Net, the first recovery book for Internet Addiction. She is internationally known for her work and is a frequent speaker on how technology impacts human behavior.

Dr. Young works as an Internet consultant for corporations on risk management strategies designed to minimize employee Internet abuse and increase e-productivity in the workplace. Her work has been featured in hundreds of newsprint publications worldwide including major articles in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The New York Times, Fortune, Newsweek and Time, and she is a frequent media contributor for radio and television including NPR, the BBC, CNBC News, Fox News, The Leeza Show, Inside Edition, Good Morning America, and ABC's World News Tonight.

Dr. Young, a licensed psychologist, is founder of the Center for On-Line Addiction, the first consultation firm and web-based resource network to specialize in Internet-related conditions such as problem day trading, online infidelity, virtual sexual offenders, and cybersexual addiction.

Dr Young is on the editorial board of CyberPsychology and Behavior, is the editor of the CyberHealth E-Newsletter, and recently served as the National Spokesperson for Reuters International, Inc., regarding their study on Information Addiction Worldwide. She is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, Bradford, and a member of the American Psychological Association, the Employee Assistance Professionals Association, the National Council for Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, and a founding member of the International Society of Mental Health On-line.


Former Director of Information Operations, US Intelligence Community Management Staff


Executive Director of New Dimensions International (NDI) a Security Services small business located in California. NDI is recognized for its record of leading technology initiatives for government and industry, including development of the: original GSA security curriculum, PL 100-235 training program, a DoD Security Engineering and NASA Computer Security Officials certification training programs & Intruder Defenses training delivered nationwide & overseas. The NDI "Security Assurance Manager" represents THE leading technology in Template-based database, software-driven technology that for the first time actually RECORDS security status of systems, uses Asset Management & owner interfaces and incorporates the requirements of OMB A130 and common best practices security planning requirements at the IT levels. Fred is a retired military officer and former presidential appointee having served as the Executive Director of a Federal Agency with sweeping Emergency Powers and as the Executive Secretary to the President's National Security Advisor for Emergency Mobilization.

John R. Powers

Currently, Dr. Powers is the Chairman of Corporate Communication Resources Incorporated, an alliance of senior practitioners in both technical and behavioral disciplines. CCRI is developing high-end approaches to information operations, i.e., approaches that integrate technology, process and people into comprehensive strategic operations and risk management programs. The goal is to help companies gain a competitive edge through flexibility in their exploitation of new opportunities and effectiveness in protecting, deterring, mitigating and responding to information threats as they evolve domestically and internationally.

From 1996 to 1998, Dr. Powers served as a Commissioner and the Executive Director of the President's Commission on Critical Infrastructure Protection. He managed the Commission's research, provided overall direction to the Commission's deliberations and formulated the national structures recommendations adopted in Presidential Decision Directive 63.

Beginning in 1983, he headed the Office of Civil Preparedness and then the Office of Federal Preparedness at the Federal Emergency Management Agency. As Senior Policy Advisor from 1987 to 1993, he played a major role in reformulating the nation's approach to the conduct of nuclear war; from 1993 to 1995, he served as the Director of the North Central Region and managed the Federal response to the "Great Midwest Flood" in those states. Upon his return, he created a comprehensive dispute resolution program for the Agency.

From 1978 to 1983, Dr. Powers served as the Director of Research and Technical Assessment for the Department of Energy. His first assignment was as Executive Director for the Interagency Review Group on Nuclear Waste Management reporting to President Jimmie Carter and then as Executive Director of the DOE precursor to the Synthetic Fuels Corporation in which he managed the award of seven billion dollars to stimulate new alternative energy projects.

Previously, in the private sector, he served as a consultant to corporations and governments. During this period, he created one of the early pattern recognition programs, developed the skin friction law used in the Polaris nose cone, conducted assessments of advanced weapons systems, projected, stochastically, the commercial potential of an array of proposed new energy technologies, created a safeguards and security design methodology (parts of which are still in use) for nuclear facilities and managed development of the National Coal Model.

Earlier, at the age of 19, he entered the U.S. Naval Flight Training program and upon completion was commissioned in the United States Marine Corps. After four years of active duty, he continued in the Marine Corps Reserve. In this capacity, he commanded an A4 squadron at Willow Grove, PA, and later, in Washington, DC, developed the concept and managed preparation of the Marine Corps Mobilization Plan and later the DOD Master Mobilization Plan.

Dr. Powers holds a B.S. degree from Columbia University, an M.Div. degree from Princeton Theological Seminary and a Ph.D. in physics from the University of Pennsylvania. He has extensive publications in these varied fields, has served as an intern in the Menninger Foundation Clinical Training Program in Topeka, KS and as a professional staff member of a multi-discipline treatment team at a state institution for delinquent adolescents in Philadelphia, PA.




Susan is a Project Manager with BAE SYSTEMS in Bellevue, NE. Having recently retired a Major, with over 21 years of service in the United States Air Force, she held such positions as Branch Chief, NATO & Deliberate Plans; Officer-in-Charge, Network Security; and Commander, Information Systems Flight. Her career spanned the security spectrum, beginning with her first tour as an Airman at the National Security Agency. She took network security to the next level on Offutt Air Force Base by creating a 24x7/365 on-site network response team. She currently works at US Strategic Command as an architectural engineer. She holds a BA in Business Management from the University of Maryland, an MS in Education from USC, and an MS in Information Resources Management from the Air Force Institute of Technology. She serves as Secretary for NEbraskaCERT.


Brian Smith is Senior Software Engineer currently contracted to Solutionary, Inc. Brian did both his graduate and undergraduate work in Computer Science at the University of South Dakota where he received awards for academic performance and outstanding contributions to the Computer Science department. In 1996 Brian was inducted into Upsilon Pi Epsilon the National Honors society for Computing Sciences. Brian has applied cryptography to an Internet voting pilot project as well as to security related projects for Solutionary, Inc.


Executive Director of New Dimensions International (NDI) a Security Services small business located in California. NDI is recognized for its record of leading technology initiatives for government and industry, including development of the original GSA security curriculum, PL 100-235 training program, a DoD Security Engineering and NASA Computer Security Officials certification training programs & Intruder Defenses training delivered nationwide & overseas. The NDI "Security Assurance Manager" represents THE leading technology in Template-based database, software-driven technology that for the first time actually RECORDS security status of systems, uses Asset Management & owner interfaces and incorporates the requirements of OMB A130 and common best practices security planning requirements at the IT levels. Fred is a retired military officer and former presidential appointee having served as the Executive Director of a Federal Agency with sweeping Emergency Powers and as the Executive Secretary to the President's National Security Advisor for Emergency Mobilization.


was responsible for the technical implementation of SSI products and services. He also served as IT Director responsible for the delivery of the Template Security Database software where he had the lead role in programming for the Security Assurance Manager software. His past credentials include 9 years of programming experience. He was VP and then CEO for two IT companies where he developed cutting edge software and delivery systems for recording artists across the nation for all record labels. He designed and managed the application for the Front-end delivery systems, which use Internet capabilities, desktop client/server systems in VB and 4D and back-end RDBMS Oracle and Microsoft technologies. In this program these services are distributed by a nationwide WAN supporting replication and monitoring main facilities located in Los Angeles & New York City. Mr. Berlandier conducted the programming tasks for the security planning and audit database technology applications utilizing cutting edge approaches to provide real time asset management, previously unavailable security accountability and dynamic enterprise management capabilities. His technical proficiencies span the spectrum of software applications and include Oracle, XML and virtually all-programming languages. He demonstrated exceptional acumen in the successful development and implementation of four technology-based companies.


Mr. Elfering began his career as a spacecraft operation specialist for the Air Force and NASA where he began a hobby of finding security flaws in applications and operating systems. Working full-time while earning a B.S in Computer Information Management from the University of Maryland, Dave migrated full-time to information systems. When an opportunity arose to install firewalls, Dave jumped at the chance to take security up as a full-time role. He is now the network security manager at Werner Enterprises, the third largest trucking company in the U.S., where he planned and implemented enterprise-wide security. Dave has authored VPN and intrusion scanning course materials for SANS where he is member of the GIAC faculty.


Ron Woerner is currently the Senior Security Administrator for CSG Systems, Inc. After spending five years in the Air Force as an Intelligence Officer, Ron moved to the private sector as an UNIX administrator. In addition to CSG, he has worked in the Omaha area for Sterling Software and the Mutual of Omaha Companies. He recently spoke at the CERT 2000 conference on establishing an organizational security program. Ron is a graduate of Michigan State University with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and earned a Masters degree from Syracuse University in Information Resources Management.


Brian Snow is the Technical Director for the Information Assurance Directorate at the United States National Security Agency. He is a mathematician who works on engineering and computer science tasks, designing and analyzing security systems. He has created cryptographic algorithms in use by the military today, found vulnerabilities both in cryptographic and computer systems, and has integrated security mechanisms of various sorts into complex systems. He holds two patents and has received many awards. He created and managed NSA's Secure Systems Design division in the 1980s. He interacts on NSA's behalf with senior technologists throughout government, industry, and academia. He has three daughters, and loves hiking and theater.


Stephanie Rogers graduated from Adams State College with a BA in Pre-law and Government. She started my Paralegal training while still in school. After graduation she applied for a position at CERT Coordination Center in Pittsburgh. Stephanie currently works with the Analysis team running scenarios involving cyber terrorism and other types of cyber crime. In the three months that she has been involved with the Analysis team she contributed to several projects. She is currently compiling data on worldwide trends in cyber crime both with law enforcement and criminals.


IP Revolution CTO & Vice President of Consulting & Technology, President of

Dohrmann has been recognized as a leader in the technology industry for the past 16 years. While he began his career as a systems engineer, his creative approach to technology and problem solving soon earned him top positions at Fortune 500 and start-up technology companies. Dohrmann's experience ranges from planning and implementing data centers to crafting technical solutions that address client business problems. In 1996, soon after developing his own Web Start-up Company, he patented a method for initiating telephone calls from the Web. In his current role, Dohrmann oversees IP Revolution's consulting team and its data center operations and sales. He is also responsible for the company's go-forward technology strategy. Through international speaking engagements, Dohrmann continues to share his expertise and unique techology outlook with colleagues across the globe.



Karl Ware co-founded BioNetrix, an authentication innovator, in 1997 and serves as vice president of operations. In this capacity, he oversees the company's day-to-day operations. He also directed the launch of the Biometrics for Secure Enterprise Computing (BioSEC) alliance. This initiative is delivering multi-vendor authentication solutions to the marketplace. Over the past 10 years, Ware has worked in various capacities, creating and executing successful marketing initiatives for Dow Jones Telerate and Motorola. He has successfully launched over 18 different products for the two companies into both domestic and international markets. Before this, Ware was a vice president of information/communications security with JP Morgan. In this role, he defined technical and user security policies for the organization. Ware started his career in Washington, DC where he obtained a great deal of expertise in the area of information security while employed by the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA). He was subsequently a key product manager that participated in the development and launch of MCI Mail. Ware has worked extensively in overseas marketing, and brings this international expertise to the BioNetrix team. He has worked in England, Hong Kong, Singapore and Indonesia. Ware graduated from George Washington University with a bachelor's degree in computer science and received a master's in business administration from Georgetown University. He has taught various business classes at the University of Maryland and the National University of Singapore.


Prior to joining Abacus Technology, Greg Gatjanis was a policy advisor and strategist to the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration on national security strategy and intelligence policy. He served two White House policy assignments; led an agency-wide review on implementing a cybercrime strategy; and represented the DEA and FBI on a White House task force on intelligence reform.


Chief Scientist of the NEbraskaCERT, President & Founder of Paktronix Systems LLC, Author of "Policy Routing with Linux", Author of "Managing Secure Networks", Creator of PakSecured Linux. Working with networks since 1983. Obtained admin on my first VAXen in 1976, on Arpa/Bit Net in 1984 (think Internet), working in Network Management since late 1980's on routed IP/IPX/SNA networks. Chief Scientist of the NEbraskaCERT working on IPv4/IPv6/IPSec Integrated Security Networks. Developed the first (and currently still the only) SNMPv3 managed policy routing firewall system for Linux available under GPL at Actively researching management and design of Integrated Security Networks.


Senior Information Security Specialist, JANUS Associates Mr. Godfrey is a Senior Systems Security Specialist for JANUS Associates. He has over 30 years of IT experience, primarily in IT Security & Audit, architectural designs, automated operations, and product integration. As a seasoned veteran of security practices, Dave has been responsible for the protection of a full array of corporate information assets, and the management of IT Audit Responses.

At previous companies his functions included mainframe security, LAN security, disaster recovery / contingency planning, the development of a corporate-wide Business Impact Analysis methodology, and evaluation, cost justification and approval of all security products. He also designed an Enterprise-Wide Single Sign-On / Centralize Administration Architecture, and several other computer software security solutions.

Dave's investigative skills and IT security expertise have been employed during numerous computer fraud investigations and in the detection, definition and processing computer crimes. He has assisted law enforcement and legal council on how to interpret and understand the criminal motivators behind these illegal actions, and helped develop best practices on computer crime prevention techniques. Dave was also a member of the Niagara County Sheriff's Department for over four years.

Mr. Godfrey served as a member of the People-to-People's Delegation to the Soviet Union for Data Security, EDP Auditing, and Quality Assurance. He is also an active member of the Information Systems Security Association and the Computer Security Institute; and a repeat speaker and instructor for various security conferences and seminars.

Speaking Engagements

  • Computer Security Institute (CSI)
  • Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)
  • Information Security, Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
  • EDP Audit's Association Conferences and Seminars (EDPAA)
  • Institute of Internal Auditors' Seminars (IIA)
  • American Federation of Computer Operations Managers (AFCOM)
  • US Government's Information Processing Integrity Conference (IPIC)
  • Vanguard Integrity Professional's Enterprise Security Conferences
  • Connecticut Disaster Recovery Information Exchange
  • MVS User Group of Southern California
  • IBM Guide & SHARE Conferences
  • Gartner Group Security Briefings
  • Computer Associates' Annual Conferences
  • MIS Training Institute's:
  • Information Security Manager's Symposiums
  • Audit & Security Annual Conferences
  • InfoSec World Conferences
  • LAN Security Seminars
  • Internet Security & Audit Seminars
  • ACF2 / RACF / TSS User Group in the U.S. and Canada
  • International Security & Audit User Groups & Organizations:
    London, Birmingham, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Dublin, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Tel Aviv

    Mr. Elfering began his career as a spacecraft operation specialist for the Air Force and NASA where he began a hobby of finding security flaws in applications and operating systems. Working full-time while earning a B.S in Computer Information Management from the University of Maryland, Dave migrated full-time to information systems. When an opportunity arose to install firewalls, Dave jumped at the chance to take security up as a full-time role. He is now the network security manager at Werner Enterprises, the third largest trucking company in the U.S., where he planned and implemented enterprise-wide security. Dave has authored VPN and intrusion scanning course materials for SANS where he is member of the GIAC faculty.


    Christopher Gerg is a Network Security Engineer with Berbee in Madison, Wisconsin. In the course of his work he performs Network Security Assessments and penetration tests, as well as general network security consulting ranging from secure network design, implementing enterprise VPNs, to rolling out comprehensive Intrusion Detection Systems. He also spends a great deal of time educating clients about secure network design. This last summer he was part of a small team that had the responsibility of securing the network at the Republican National Convention.


    Pete Privateer has an extensive background in high-tech and Internet/network security and a solid track record in building successful startup companies. At Pelican Security, he is responsible for the overall strategy and operation of the company. Prior to Pelican, Privateer co-founded and held the position of senior vice president of operations at AXENT Technologies (AXNT). While in this position, he led the company's profitable transformation from a VMS utility product company into a $100+ million computer security company. Prior to AXENT, Privateer was one of the original employees of KnowledgeWare where he was responsible for the overall strategy and vision. Through his efforts, KnowledgeWare developed into a $140 million company and was acquired by Sterling Software in 1994. Privateer graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Florida. He has previously spoken at ComNet and will be speaking at The Internet Security Conference in June on malicious code and sandboxing technology.


    Stephanie Rogers graduated from Adams State College with a BA in Pre-law and Government. She started my Paralegal training while still in school. After graduation she applied for a position at CERT Coordination Center in Pittsburgh. Stephanie currently works with the Analysis team running scenarios involving cyber terrorism and other types of cyber crime. In the three months that she has been involved with the Analysis team she contributed to several projects. She is currently compiling data on worldwide trends in cyber crime both with law enforcement and criminals.


    Chief Technology Officer, Solutionary.


    Very early in her information security career, Christine Orshesky, learned through hard experience that it takes more than a [software] tool to solve a security problem. It takes an understanding of the business needs, the people, and the operational environment to manage an incident - anything less is only a bandage. As a result, Ms. Orshesky founded i-secure Corporation to bring her more than 10 years of anti-virus and information security experience to a broader segment of the online community. Christine is a recognized name in the anti-virus industry - publishing and presenting at international virus prevention and information security venues.



    Gary, a co-founder of Foundstone Inc, is responsible for the Foundstone infrastructure and operations that support the consulting and training services. Foundstone's research and development labs are a key part of the security solutions provided to our clients to empower them to secure their own environments. In addition to internal corporate responsibilities, Gary provides security consulting and training services to Foundstone's clients. Areas of expertise include security architecture reviews, and ethical hacking reviews focusing on UNIX and Windows NT systems. Gary has been involved with numerous penetration studies and network reviews covering various firewalls, UNIX, Windows NT, Novell networks, Web servers, Internet connectivity, SAP security in UNIX and Windows NT environments, routers, during the past 6 years. Gary has helped develop the methodologies for network security reviews and was one of the co-developers of the "Extreme Hacking" class at Ernst & Young. Prior to joining Foundstone, Gary held positions of Manager in the Security Profiling Services Group of Ernst & Young and Senior Consultant in Price Waterhouse's Enterprise Security Solutions practice. Gary developed methodologies for network security at both companies. Gary performs speaking engagements at various industry conferences, several of which include Information Systems Audit and Control Association (ISACA) Conferences, "Securing UNIX Systems"; ISSA Conferences, "Performing Penetration Tests"; Security.Net 99, Toronto CA, 9/99 Co-Keynote Speaker and Illinois CPA Society, "Who's Knocking On Your Door?" 8/00. Gary's articles have appeared in SysAdmin magazine "Security Diagnostic Review of Solaris 2.x", "Securing Your Web Server", "Freeware Web Security Scanners", "Freeware Security Scanners", Login Magazine "Network Policy Enforcement", and Information Security "Apache Security". Gary holds a Bachelor of Science degree in Information Systems / Finance from New York University and is a Certified Information Systems Security Professional (CISSP).


    Currently employed by Sumaria Systems Inc., Harry Bouris is the Technical Services Director for the B-1 and B-2 System Program Offices at Wright Patterson AFB. He is charged with the operations of the local and wide area networks to include router and firewall operations. As the Computer Systems Security Officer, he drafted all policies, completed certification and accreditation under AFSSI 5024, DITSCAP, and NISPOM Chapter 8 formats. Mr. Bouris retired from the Air Force as a Lieutenant Colonel where he served in the comm and computer career field. He is a graduate of the University of Pittsburgh and holds a masters degree in Information and Computer Science from the Georgia Institute of Technology.


    Very early in her information security career, Christine Orshesky, learned through hard experience that it takes more than a [software] tool to solve a security problem. It takes an understanding of the business needs, the people, and the operational environment to manage an incident - anything less is only a bandage. As a result, Ms. Orshesky founded i-secure Corporation to bring her more than 10 years of anti-virus and information security experience to a broader segment of the online community. Christine is a recognized name in the anti-virus industry - publishing and presenting at international virus prevention and information security venues.


    Shelly Nuessle is an Information Security Specialist for American Century, a financial institution based in Kansas City, MO. She is currently the Information Security Awareness contact, while also providing analysis in privacy issues, Internet usage, use of outside service providers and securing web-based applications. Shelly has a Bachelor of Science in both Mathematics and Psychology from Southwest Missouri State, with additional training in network topologies, risk assessment, and project and systems management. She is involved in both ISSA and the IEEE Computer Society.


    Margie Cashwell is a Manager of a team of Systems Engineers for RSA Security Inc., the most trusted name in e-security. Based in San Mateo, CA, Margie has extensive experience in public key infrastructure (PKI) and other security technologies. Margie has worked at with PKI leaders like RSA Security Inc. and Xcert International where she has provided educational lectures and training and sales support throughout the United States and across the globe.


    Stephanie Rogers graduated from Adams State College with a BA in Pre-law and Government. She started my Paralegal training while still in school. After graduation she applied for a position at CERT Coordination Center in Pittsburgh. Stephanie currently works with the Analysis team running scenarios involving cyber terrorism and other types of cyber crime. In the three months that she has been involved with the Analysis team she contributed to several projects. She is currently compiling data on worldwide trends in cyber crime both with law enforcement and criminals.


    Aaron Grothe is the President/CEO of Heimdall Linux Incorporated Heimdall Linux is developing Linux products, which are being submitted to the National Institute of Standards and Technology's Common Criteria project for independent security evaluation and accreditation. Mr. Grothe is also the current project leader of the Linux Kernel Audit Project (LKAP), which has as one of its goals to perform a source code audit of the Linux Kernel.


    Nebraska's CIO


    Senior Information Security Specialist, JANUS Associates Mr. Godfrey is a Senior Systems Security Specialist for JANUS Associates. He has over 30 years of IT experience, primarily in IT Security & Audit, architectural designs, automated operations, and product integration. As a seasoned veteran of security practices, Dave has been responsible for the protection of a full array of corporate information assets, and the management of IT Audit Responses.

    At previous companies his functions included mainframe security, LAN security, disaster recovery / contingency planning, the development of a corporate-wide Business Impact Analysis methodology, and evaluation, cost justification and approval of all security products. He also designed an Enterprise-Wide Single Sign-On / Centralize Administration Architecture, and several other computer software security solutions.

    Dave's investigative skills and IT security expertise have been employed during numerous computer fraud investigations and in the detection, definition and processing computer crimes. He has assisted law enforcement and legal council on how to interpret and understand the criminal motivators behind these illegal actions, and helped develop best practices on computer crime prevention techniques. Dave was also a member of the Niagara County Sheriff's Department for over four years.

    Mr. Godfrey served as a member of the People-to-People's Delegation to the Soviet Union for Data Security, EDP Auditing, and Quality Assurance. He is also an active member of the Information Systems Security Association and the Computer Security Institute; and a repeat speaker and instructor for various security conferences and seminars.

    Speaking Engagements

  • Computer Security Institute (CSI)
  • Information Systems Security Association (ISSA)
  • Information Security, Audit and Control Association (ISACA)
  • EDP Audit's Association Conferences and Seminars (EDPAA)
  • Institute of Internal Auditors' Seminars (IIA)
  • American Federation of Computer Operations Managers (AFCOM)
  • US Government's Information Processing Integrity Conference (IPIC)
  • Vanguard Integrity Professional's Enterprise Security Conferences
  • Connecticut Disaster Recovery Information Exchange
  • MVS User Group of Southern California
  • IBM Guide & SHARE Conferences
  • Gartner Group Security Briefings
  • Computer Associates' Annual Conferences
  • MIS Training Institute's:
  • Information Security Manager's Symposiums
  • Audit & Security Annual Conferences
  • InfoSec World Conferences
  • LAN Security Seminars
  • Internet Security & Audit Seminars
  • ACF2 / RACF / TSS User Group in the U.S. and Canada
  • International Security & Audit User Groups & Organizations:

  • London, Birmingham, Paris, Brussels, Amsterdam, Dublin, Edinburgh, Copenhagen, Tel Aviv


    IP Revolution CTO & Vice President of Consulting & Technology, President of

    Dohrmann has been recognized as a leader in the technology industry for the past 16 years. While he began his career as a systems engineer, his creative approach to technology and problem solving soon earned him top positions at Fortune 500 and start-up technology companies. Dohrmann's experience ranges from planning and implementing data centers to crafting technical solutions that address client business problems. In 1996, soon after developing his own Web Start-up Company, he patented a method for initiating telephone calls from the Web. In his current role, Dohrmann oversees IP Revolution's consulting team and its data center operations and sales. He is also responsible for the company's go-forward technology strategy. Through international speaking engagements, Dohrmann continues to share his expertise and unique techology outlook with colleagues across the globe.


    Ron Woerner is currently the Senior Security Administrator for CSG Systems, Inc. After spending five years in the Air Force as an Intelligence Officer, Ron moved to the private sector as an UNIX administrator. In addition to CSG, he has worked in the Omaha area for Sterling Software and the Mutual of Omaha Companies. He recently spoke at the CERT 2000 conference on establishing an organizational security program. Ron is a graduate of Michigan State University with a Bachelors degree in Computer Science and earned a Masters degree from Syracuse University in Information Resources Management.


    Steve is a Manager in Ernst & Young's Security & Technology Solutions practice. Over the last ten years Steve has been involved in IT integration, support and security. Steve is a published author on security issues, a sought after speaker and information security panelist and is the moderator of a full disclosure security mailing list ? Win2KsecAdvice and has recently launched VulnWatch a second full disclosure mailing list. Before joining Ernst & Young, Steve was a Security Analyst for a world wide group of White Hat Hackers and Security Researchers ? BindView RAZOR Team.

    Steve is also a board member of the Calgary Security Professionals Information Exchange (SPIE) group, which is a group of local security professionals from various private and government sectors. Steve has a strong background in Microsoft technologies and the various security issues surrounding them, and has successfully guided multiple organizations in securing Microsoft Windows NT hosts for use in a hostile environment.


    Joe Devich is president and CEO of network reliability company Asta Networks. Mr. Devich was most recently the executive vice president of technology and infrastructure for the high-speed Internet provider Covad Communications. While at Covad, he led the deployment of the largest national broadband network. Before Covad, Mr. Devich was responsible for all process and support functions for a 28,000-member team that delivered service to 25 million customers in 14 states at US West. In his executive roles, Mr. Devich has spoken to audiences ranging from hundreds of director-level employees to thousands of attendees at various tradeshows.


    Chief Technology Officer Eli Dichterman oversees Camelot's product strategy, Network Intelligence technology, and intellectual property. He also managed the research and development of proprietary 'discovery' algorithms that power Camelot's access control solution, Hark! Eli has worked for IBM's research laboratory, Microsoft, and Israel's Armament Development Authority. He was appointed research posts at the London School of Economics and the Royal Holloway University of London, and has taught for more than ten years. Eli earned M.Sc. and Ph.D in Computer Science at the Technion Institute of Technology in Haifa, Israel. He co-authored and contributed to eleven publications in the past decade.



    Dr. Kimberly S. Young has been touted as "the world's foremost Cyberpsychologist" by the media and is considered the leading authority on e-behavior and Internet addiction. Dr. Young has served as an expert witness in state and federal courts regarding her pioneer research and she recently authored Caught in the Net, the first recovery book for Internet Addiction. She is internationally known for her work and is a frequent speaker on how technology impacts human behavior. Dr. Young works as an Internet consultant for corporations on risk management strategies designed to minimize employee Internet abuse and increase e-productivity in the workplace. Her work has been featured in hundreds of newsprint publications worldwide including major articles in The Wall Street Journal, USA Today, The New York Times, Fortune, Newsweek and Time, and she is a frequent media contributor for radio and television including NPR, the BBC, CNBC News, Fox News, The Leeza Show, Inside Edition, Good Morning America, and ABC's World News Tonight. Dr. Young, a licensed psychologist, is founder of the Center for On-Line Addiction, the first consultation firm and web-based resource network to specialize in Internet-related conditions such as problem day trading, online infidelity, virtual sexual offenders, and cybersexual addiction. Dr Young is on the editorial board of CyberPsychology and Behavior, is the editor of the CyberHealth E-Newsletter, and recently served as the National Spokesperson for Reuters International, Inc., regarding their study on Information Addiction Worldwide. She is an Assistant Professor of Psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, Bradford, and a member of the American Psychological Association, the Employee Assistance Professionals Association, the National Council for Sexual Addiction and Compulsivity, and a founding member of the International Society of Mental Health On-line.


    One of the country's leading experts on information security, infrastructure protection and electronic privacy is often referred to as "the civilian architect of information warfare." He coined the term "Electronic Pearl Harbor" and was the Project Lead of the Manhattan Cyber Project Information Warfare and Electronic Civil Defense Team. Today, he balances his time between writing, lecturing, building corporate and national security awareness programs and consulting.


    Pete Privateer has an extensive background in high-tech and Internet/network security and a solid track record in building successful startup companies. At Pelican Security, he is responsible for the overall strategy and operation of the company. Prior to Pelican, Privateer co-founded and held the position of senior vice president of operations at AXENT Technologies (AXNT). While in this position, he led the company's profitable transformation from a VMS utility product company into a $100+ million computer security company. Prior to AXENT, Privateer was one of the original employees of KnowledgeWare where he was responsible for the overall strategy and vision. Through his efforts, KnowledgeWare developed into a $140 million company and was acquired by Sterling Software in 1994. Privateer graduated with a Bachelor of Science in Physics from the University of Florida. He has previously spoken at ComNet and will be speaking at The Internet Security Conference in June on malicious code and sandboxing technology.


    is a partner at the Omaha, Nebraska law firm of Abrahams Kaslow & Cassman LLP. Sara A. Juster and Erin E McCandless are associates of the firm. Their practice focuses on technology development, procurement, licensing and distribution agreements; information technology and buiness process outsourcing and privatization; electronic commerce; Web and Internet transactions; and IT strategic counseling and dispute work-outs.


    Brian Snow is the Technical Director for the Information Assurance Directorate at the United States National Security Agency. He is a mathematician who works on engineering and computer science tasks, designing and analyzing security systems. He has created cryptographic algorithms in use by the military today, found vulnerabilities both in cryptographic and computer systems, and has integrated security mechanisms of various sorts into complex systems. He holds two patents and has received many awards. He created and managed NSA's Secure Systems Design division in the 1980s. He interacts on NSA's behalf with senior technologists throughout government, industry, and academia. He has three daughters, and loves hiking and theater.


    Chief Scientist of the NEbraskaCERT, President & Founder of Paktronix Systems LLC, Author of "Policy Routing with Linux", Author of "Managing Secure Networks", Creator of PakSecured Linux. Working with networks since 1983. Obtained admin on my first VAXen in 1976, on Arpa/Bit Net in 1984 (think Internet), working in Network Management since late 1980's on routed IP/IPX/SNA networks. Chief Scientist of the NEbraskaCERT working on IPv4/IPv6/IPSec Integrated Security Networks. Developed the first (and currently still the only) SNMPv3 managed policy routing firewall system for Linux available under GPL at Actively researching management and design of Integrated Security Networks.


    Steve Nugen has more than twenty years' experience developing information system technologies in government, academic, and private sectors. Education and credentials include B.S. in Computer Science; M.S. in Computer Engineering; Certified Information Systems Security Professional; and publications in Artificial Intelligence and Information Security. Experience includes Principal Investigator at Iowa State University; Director of Technology at GTE and Raytheon; Founder and Chief Technical Officer of NrGenSoft; and teaching.


    Mr. Striegel is currently a Ph.D. student in Computer Engineering at Iowa State University. His current research interests include Internet QoS, multicasting, real-time systems, and ad-hoc networking. His dissertation is focusing on scalable multicasting in a Differentiated Services environment. He has received a Teaching Excellence award from Iowa State University and has taught several sophomore level classes in embedded systems.


    Andrew Konstantaras is vice president of marketing for Asta Networks. He brings twelve years of experience in marketing, financial services, and legal and regulatory issues surrounding technology and electronic commerce. Prior to Asta Networks, Mr. Konstantaras was a principal at X-net Group, advising companies on electronic commerce and online financial services; the chief marketing officer for an Internet-only bank; and vice president at CertCo, leading the product management and development teams. He also spent four years as vice president and legal counsel for VISA International, where he provided legal and regulatory advice concerning implementation of the Secure Electronic Transaction ("SET") protocol for secure electronic commerce worldwide. Mr. Konstantaras holds a bachelor's degree in physics and chemistry from Grinnell College, and a doctor of jurisprudence degree from Georgetown University Law Center in Washington, D.C. Mr. Konstantaras is a dynamic speaker, who has addressed audiences at conferences around the world including CERT, RSA, Networld+Interop, Internet World, OECD, UNCTAD and ISPCON Spring.